Here's one issue I'm looking at and wonder why it doesn't work in batch PDFs but seem to work fine if we use single PDF document.
DropBox url is at
If you see the code we used "CreatePdfTemplate()", it works okay for 1 PDF file. So, with batch PDFs, we called "CreatePdfTemplate()" multiple times, so we know there's no bug in "CreatePdfTemplates()" because the 1 PDF file works. So, it seem there's some issue with the way the Quick-PDF's "MergeDocuemnt".
So anyone know what the problem is?
Code we use is
private int CreatePdfTemplate(PDFLibrary pdfApp, FormWriter formWriter, bool isDocuSign) { var formDescription = formWriter.Forms.Description; var pdfFilename = formDescription.ToLower().EndsWith(".pdf") ? $"{formDescription}" : $"{formDescription}.pdf"; var azureKeyName = $"{formWriter.Company.AcctNo}/PDF/{pdfFilename}"; var pdfBytes = new byte[] { };
formWriter.PdfTemplateLocation = pdfFilename;
using (var pdfFileStream = _amazonManagerService.GetPdfTemplate(azureKeyName)) using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { pdfFileStream.CopyTo(ms); pdfBytes = ms.ToArray(); }
pdfApp.LoadFromString(pdfBytes, null); pdfApp.SetNeedAppearances(-1);
for (int fieldIX = 0; fieldIX < pdfApp.FormFieldCount(); fieldIX++) { var loopCounter = fieldIX + 1; var fieldName = pdfApp.GetFormFieldTitle(loopCounter); // FoxIt QuickPDF start with 1, not 0.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName)) { continue; } else if (fieldName.EndsWith(".")) // This indicate we have AcroForm field-name duplications. (FoxIt Quick PDF append the "." to it for unknown reasons). { fieldName = fieldName.Substring(0, (fieldName.Length - 1)); }
bool isString = true; // Do we really need this? (It is unused here & can be moved inside this "SendDpValuesToPdf" method instead). var fieldResult = _formService.SendDpValuesToPdf(fieldName, formWriter, ref isString); if (fieldResult.Value != null) { var fieldValue = fieldResult.Value.ToSafeString().Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue)) { continue; }
pdfApp.SetFormFieldValueByTitle(fieldName, fieldValue) ; } }
return pdfApp.SelectedDocument(); }
var pdfBytes = new byte[] { }; var pdfApp = _pdfEditorService.PdfInitialize(); var mainDocumentId = -1;
foreach (var (formWriter, index) in formWriters.WithLoopIndex()) { var tmpDocumentId = CreatePdfTemplate(pdfApp, formWriter, isDocuSign); if (index == 0) { mainDocumentId = tmpDocumentId; } else { pdfApp.SelectDocument(mainDocumentId); pdfApp.MergeDocument(tmpDocumentId); } }
pdfBytes = pdfApp.SaveToString();
return pdfBytes;